Our Business History
Colossians 1:10 "...bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God"
1998 -
The doors on our first building were opened. We had a small metal shed with rocks as our floor and a small hay wagon to sell off of. We were open only a few days a week and offered only a few seasonal vegetables. Our family was young, and we were just beginning the journey down our business's path.
2001 -
Throughout the years we continued to grow, adding a variety of vegetables and other various products. We continued to grow and the need as well as the opportunity to expand our business into the floral department was presented to us. In 2001, we built our first greenhouse and opened up our doors offering a variety of annual and perennial flowers, vegetation, and trees. We have since then added three more additional greenhouses and expanded our varieties that are offered each year.
In the fall, we began working towards a season filled with a large variety of activities as well as "fall decorations" for the household. Offering pumpkins, gourds, and so many more items were all new to us and what we did.
This was also the year we finished our new home and moved our family onto the farm. It was a huge blessing for us, and even though the kids did not appreciate always being 20 feet from work, it helped us manage our time and resources much better.
2005 -
Mr. Dean, from Dean's Florist, arrived in our building. He began teaching Paula and the others how to create a variety of floral arrangements and our business began a path in a new direction. We changed our name from Buxton's Garden Farm to Buxton's Garden Farm & Flower Shop, opened up a year-round florist business, and began developing our winter line of products.
We began to sell Christmas tress and wreaths in the winter, as well as hundreds of Christmas grave decorations for those in the surrounding towns. Mr. Dean was a huge blessing to our business, and even though he is no longer with us today, you can still see his inspiration in the designs we sell.
Today -
We currently have 3 running greenhouses, that same small metal shed but with concrete floors and indoor plumbing, a florist business, hundreds of vegetable and herb varieties, thousands of various flowers, and a grown family. We are opened year-round and continue to expand in our services.
We continue to grow and learn how to improve our business and the services we offer. It has been a wonderful journey and we know we are still continuing to grow.
Thank you for all of your support throughout these years, and for your continued support to come. We really do appreciate it.